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Last Star


When I was a child we would gaze at the stars all hours of night,

Wow, what a beautiful sight!

One by one, we would count them and wonder how many it was,

Wow, what a beautiful sight!

On the really bright nights, we would watch the wind blow,

Wow, what a beautiful sight!

On clear, rainy nights, with the stars still bright, we would watch the rain dance on the ocean,

Wow, what a beautiful sight!

To watch the stars cause the mountains to cast a shadow ten miles long,

Wow, what a beautiful sight!

As the years pass and the stars begin to fall without notice,

Wow what a beautiful sight!

On May 25, 2014, the last star fell, and we noticed, the last beautiful sight gone.

To our surpirse, the thought of Lucille, the last star, and the memories of how beautiful she made the ocean, mountains, and wind appear free,

Wow, what a beautiful sight!


Your humble servant,


Lucille, our Last Star.
An honorary Lady who inspired this project.
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